A year after Allen and I joined Atonement Methodist Church, the church’s website was redesigned and had a place for a blog. I asked Pastor Amy if I could be the one to run the blog. She was pretty exuberant in passing the responsibility to me, and the “Walking with Jesus” blog was born.
For the first year, I was faithful about posting a blog relating to the Sunday sermon every week. But as my responsibilities at school grew, and I took on more editing clients, time for the blog diminished. This past year, trips to Virginia to see my ailing father have also eaten into my available time. I did manage to pull in a few other writers to help out, but in the last six months, my posts have been few and far between.
I strongly believe in the power of words to forward the Kingdom of God. Part of my retirement plan will be to hold a class for those who would like to write a devotional for the church blog and to be far more consistent with doing one each week.
My friends at Flourish Writers have a great course on how to write a devotional!
Have you ever considered writing a devotional? I never had until I felt the desire to write for the church. It’s a small step, but worthy of some time.