It’s a twice a year ritual: In October and January, my sinus infections reach gargantuan proportions and the only thing that gets me through the day is regular doses of Tylenol Sinus. Oh, the splitting headache and congestion, made worse by chalk dust, train vaping, and cold weather! Last winter’s sinus infection topped a new low: I felt it all the way to my back teeth!
Retiring doesn’t mean I’ll be immune to sinus infections, but it does mean that instead of trooping off to school with a splitting headache, I can sit quietly with a cup of tea while the magic of Tylenol Sinus does its work and I feel human again!
What’s your take on winter ailments and allergies? Are you affected or immune?
You’ll have far less stress and exposure to viruses. Here’s hoping and praying next October comes and goes without the sinus discomfort. My favorite “remedy “ is sleep, easier to do in retirement.