I truly am grateful that my drive to the train station each morning is short. Living in the Great Northeast where rain is more likely in winter than snow, dark mornings and rain-splattered windshields are not a good combination for someone with Keratoconus.
The image above is close to what I see through my windshield when I leave my house on a rainy morning. The lights, the glare, and the double images make even walking—let alone driving— a challenge. A few years ago, when I needed to drive to a school that was not near public transportation, this is what I saw:
For the sake of everyone on the road, my KC eyes and I will stay home on rainy days!
Have you ever felt less than safe while driving or commuting?
Yes, I have felt unsafe. Though I have gone through cataract surgery in both eyes, I still find night driving challenging. I never drive at night farther than a few blocks from home. Unfamiliar areas are out of the question.