January is proving to be its usual COLD month with several snowstorms and more to come! We had some pretty MAJOR heating issues last week with the old house my son and I inhabit and had to spend three days in a hotel, but I didn’t have to get up early to scrape ice off my car before heading off to work. Even better, I didn’t have to get off a train in the early evening darkness and do it.
For those of you still heading out in the cold dark mornings and coming home in the cold dark evenings, I salute you while I stay in my (now) warm house wearing my bunny slippers.
Sucks to be you.
Sucked even more to live in Shakespeare’s time in the winter!
Dick blows his nail—no gloves for Dick! He needs to blow on his hands.
Milk comes frozen in a pail—because there is no WaWa.
Tom bears logs into the hall—no furnace! Just a fireplace! (Sort of sounds like last week at my house…)
Marion’s nose looks red and raw—self-explanatory
Yes, the winter can be brutal. I’m glad I’m not living in merry old England!
How do you feel about winter? Be honest!
It's been SUPER COLD here in Saskatchewan, Canada this month. Like you, I'm glad I'm retired and don't have to go outside when it's cold. :-)