Linda, it's been great to read your daily posts on the 100 reasons for your retirement. You are transparent and a great writer. I saw you with each new post a little bit better until I feel like I know you as if we'd been friends for years. Thank you for sharing your life so openly.

I wasn't expecting today's Bonus reason! It was a perfect ending to your series. Many folks would think your life has been way too hard, and that you would not be filled with joy. But your explanation about joy—where it comes from and how it impacts our lives—was great. I like the description of it being "an inner delight and gladness. one not based on our current circumstances but rooted in our souls." It is the source of our soul's well-being!

It sounds like you have enough writing projects for another 30 years! I'm looking forward to reading more from you for years to come!

Blessings on your retirement!

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Ginger, thank you for your faithfulness in reading my posts. They were fun to write as I counted down the days left in the blackboard jungle. And what a compliment to mention my transparency and writing skills! I have tried to work on my skills in the past few years and, of course, more time for a writing ministry is a major reason for retirement. The last two weeks have been full for "catching up" on things around the house and working through items from Dad's will. I hope to gently get back into more writing this week. I hope you, too, have the inner delight of joy.

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