So sorry I had to move but you are definitely where God wants you & a much better place.

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Thank you for the reminder to reach out to the widows in our church. I recently started a Women's Ministry at my church. I will make an extra effort to reach out to the widows among us.

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I was widowed at the age of fifty-one. I have since remarried, but I still remember that unique season. You’re right about the flood of support initially and then nothing. Something that was difficult for me each week at church was the moments following the end of service. I would hear others planning where they would go for lunch, seemingly oblivious I was in hearing range. Going home alone after church was one of the toughest experiences for me. I would have loved to be included in others’ afternoon church plans. Maybe being around someone who is widowed makes people feel uneasy. It’s a painful reminder of what’s ahead, especially for women.

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