My heart goes out to you at this time. I understand 'the waiting is over'. It was how we felt when my FIL passed from the this earthly life to the far better home built just for him. On this earth he had Alzheimer's disease and slowly slipped away as his memories disappeared. It was a relief to know he was in presence of God and as safe as one ever could be making new memories that can no longer stolen from him.

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Judy, I feel the same way. As Dad lost pieces of himself, I mourned. Now he is whole again and his memories intact, with many new experiences ahead for him and a time when we will see him again.

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Both of my parents have been long passed. Mom in 2014 and my dad in 1998. My dad lived to see my graduate from CCP. It is hard to remember just one story, but rather the things that my father taught me. He shared his passions with me, and although he never pushed me to take interest in any of them, I did. I was drawn to photography and started holding a camera when I was old enough to walk. I still have a memory of the camera strap being around my neck walking down the steps of the Art Museum. We developed photos in his home darkroom. He bought me my first camera. He was not a formally educated man, but he taught himself everything and wasn't afraid to try anything. Dad taught me those things.

Mom was different. We weren't close, but I suppose in her way she gave me a work ethic. Told me that it didn't matter how much money you made as long as you were working. Today, that doesn't really work I guess. But, it was her way through her adult life working in a factory and being loyal to her employer.

My best friend would take a novel to describe all of what he passed on to me, but it is the reason I am a well educated women today. He believed in me even when I didn't.

My brother, the only one of my siblings that I resonated with, passed away before my kids were born. I wish they had known him. He too, was not perfect and my clearest memory other than the last day I saw him before his tragic motorcycle accident, was a conversation we had about how the turtles born in the sand struggle to make it to the ocean. Not all of them survive. Why do some make it and others not? Philosophical I know, but that was him.

All of these people leave holes in my life and left far to early. I hope there is a Heaven and I do get to see them all again.

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Ah, Debbie, there is a Heaven. I know it as truly as I know the grass grows. Someday, I hope you will know it as well. My father, too, was a fan of cameras. All kinds. He had a Bell and Howell 8 mm that pretty much documented our childhoods! And my brother has digitized 14,000 photos! My dad taught Harvey and I to develop our own pictures and built us a small darkroom under the basement steps. Harvey continued the hobby, but as my vision issues grew, photos were of less interest to me. But my daughter loves photography! She has all of my father's cameras on a shelf in her family room.

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