My first "job" after I retired was as a volunteer at a non-profit whose mission was near and dear to my heart. I dove in the deep end from the start. Before I knew it, I was saying"yes" to everything. If someone was out, I covered their shift. Custodial duties? No problem. Stay a little later? Sure, why not? I have since learned I was operating without boundaries. When Covid hit and I was mandated to go home, due to my age, I was finally able to see clearly how burned out I really was. It's been four years since I left. I'm thinking of reaching out and going back, but with realistic expectations of my abilities and limitations.

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Hi, Karen, I think you are wise to have learned you need to guard your own health and well-being. A future post talks about the value of doing nothing, something we type A personalities need to learn to do.

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